We believe in a generous church, not one that gives out of obligation, but one that sees the potential that when we partner with God we are partnering with the supplier, the multiplier, and the provider of all things.
I GIVE not because God needs from me, but rather to say through my sacrifice "I trust you God"
I GIVE as a reminder that I'm the steward of the masters talents, not the master of my own fate
I GIVE for the root of selfishness and greed to be destroyed in my heart, and for it to be destroyed in those who are come from me and after me
I GIVE because if He does not have the attention my money, He does not have the full attention of my heart
I GIVE because the needs of God's house are the responsibility of those who profess to be God's people
I GIVE because I follow the example of the one who gave everything
If you are joining us in person for a gathering you will find the “TAP HERE” discs located on the behind or in front of you on a chair/pew. You can tap this disc at any time to give, sign up for texts and other important weekly info!
Along with tap to give, we also have a box to tithe/give cash or checks. There is a black box located at the front of the sanctuary to the right of the stage! Giving envelopes are available.