fixate kids
fixate kids
fixate kids :)
Fixate Kids is open for all services!
When you arrive, look for the “fixate kids check - in” banner, located in the lobby by the black wall. There you will be welcomed by a volunteer who is anticipating your arrival and excited to meet you.
If you have checked in before, you will follow the same process of checking in and getting a label printed.
If it is your first time, at check in, we will need:
Parent/guardians name
A contact phone number
An email address
Your child's (or children's) name(s)
Their birthday(s)
Any additional information that we may need to know
We are thankful for our Fixate Kids ministry and our background checked child care providers who care deeply about these formative years of your child’s life. Their Sundays will be filled with loving words, intentional prayer, Scripture and fun!
Dreamers: 6M - 24M
Creators: 2YRS - 5YR
Visionaries: 6YR - 11YR
Classrooms open for drop off 10 minutes before service starts.
Like mentioned previously, we care deeply about this generation and at Fixate, we want to do the best we can to help equip them and lead them in Truth.
If you have a heart to serve this generation and see the Spirit move in their lives, click here.